
Bartman CR, Weilandt DR, Shen Y, Lee WL, Han Y, TeSlaa T, S.R. Jankowski CSR, Samarah L, Park NR, da Silva-Diz V, Aleksandrova M, Gultekin Y, Marishta A, Wang L, Yang L, Roichman A, Bhatt V, Lan T, Hu Z, Xing X, Lu W, Davidson S, Wühr M, Vander Heiden MG , Herranz D, Guo JY, Kang Y, Rabinowitz JDR. Slow TCA flux and ATP production in primary solid tumours but not metastasis. Nature, February 2023.

Bartman CR*, Hou S*, Correa F, Shen Y, da Silva-Diz V, Aleksandrova M, Herranz D, Rabinowitz JD, Intlekofer AM. Systemic metabolic changes in acute and chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection. Biorxiv August 2024. ( *equal contribution). [PREPRINT, NOT PEER REVIEWED]

Bartman CR*, Faubert B*, Rabinowitz JD, DeBerardinis RJ. Metabolic pathway analysis using stable isotopes in patients with cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer, October 2023. (*equal contribution)

Bartman CR, TeSlaa R, Rabinowitz JD. Quantitative flux analysis in mammals. Nature Metabolism, July 2021.

TeSlaa T, Bartman CR, Jankowski C, Zhang Z, Xu X, Xing X, Wang L, Lu W, Hui S, Rabinowitz JD. The source of glycolytic intermediates in mammalian tissues. Cell Metabolism, January 2021.

Hui S, Cowan AJ, Zeng X, Yang L, TeSlaa T, Li X, Bartman CR, Zhang Z, Jang C, Wang L, Lu W, Rojas J, Baur J, Rabinowitz JD. Quantitative fluxomics of circulating metabolites. Cell Metabolism, August 2020.

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